The words to that classic song keep running through my head as I begin to write this. The month of June has certainly been lively on the weather front!!
Sedgwick County has experienced heat, humidity, rain, winds and even some hail!! It is always nice if you don't have to go outside during inclement weather, but when you do...and it just can't always be avoided, be sure and dress appropriately, layers are helpful as we begin to go from heat to air conditioned buildings, avoid shoes that become slippery or unstable when the soles become wet and it always helps if you can carry an umbrella if the rain looks like it is on the way.
In regards to heavy rains, if you run across water in your homes or businesses, or see shingles blown off or siding damaged please send us an email and let us know. We want to work together to keep the properties looking their best and in good repair!
We always appreciate your diligence!!
School is out for the Summer so we are all seeing more children on bikes or walking, keep a look out for them, they don't always watch for us!
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