January 2016
4th 10 AM Birthday Coffee in the Clubhouse
11 AM or 2 PM Swimming at HIE
5th 11 AM Spangles
1:30 PM Hand & Foot in the Clubhouse
6th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
8th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
1:30 PM Hand & Foot
9th 5 PM POTLUCK & BINGO at the Clubhouse
11th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
12th 1:30 PM Hand & Foot
13th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
15th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
1:30 PM Hand & Foot
4:20 PM at the Clubhouse or 5 PM at Restaurant
18th 10 AM Coffee at the Clubhouse
11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
19th 11 AM Egg Crate
1:30 PM Hand & Foot
20th 10 AM Planning Meeting at the Clubhouse
11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
21st 11 AM meet at the Clubhouse for Senior Lunch & Play at Mulvane Kansas Star Casino
22nd 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
1:30 PM Hand & Foot
25th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
26th 1:30 PM Hand & Foot
27th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
29th 11 AM or 2 PM Swimming
1:30 PM Hand & Foot
First Monday Coffee has been designated to celebrate anyone whose birthday is in January. Come Visit.
Open Swimming/Aquasize is at the Holiday Inn Express for all residents. This is great fun, and the perfect opportunity to get more exercise and be active!!
Hand & Foot Canasta is played at the Clubhouse.
Anyone is welcome!!
Planning Committee is looking for members!! Suggestions for activities are welcome and meetings
take place at the Clubhouse!!
For Tuesday Lunches if you would like to carpool please meet at the Clubhouse at 11 AM or meet at the restaurant at 11:15 AM. The addresses for this month are:
Spangles 2310 N. Maize Rd. Wichita, KS 316-722-0818
Egg Crate Cafe 8606 W. 13th #150 Wichita, KS
316-295-2822 (Tyler & 13th NE corner of the intersection)
If you borrow or remove items (i.e. tables/chairs) from the Clubhouse, please be sure to notify someone or
use "sign out" on the bulletin board.
The phone directory should be available soon. If there are errors or omissions please contact either
Tyler Kelsey at the leasing office 316-361-0138
or Linda Houghton 303-815-9975. Thank You.