Welcome to September!!!! Fall is here and we can feel it in the air, hear it in the school yards and in the football lights on Friday nights around town!! Take some time and enjoy our wonderful community and all it has to offer!!
The September calendar for the residents of The Villas at Hampton Lakes is out...
On Mondays throught the month take advantage of swimming at the Holiday Inn Express at 1:45PM.
also on Monday the 15th come enjoy coffee and donuts in the clubhouse at 10:30AM.
Every Tuesday at 1:30PM join a fun group in the clubhouse for some "Hand & Foot".
also on Tuesday the 9th at 11:00AM a group will dine at Copper Oven, the 16th at Neighbors, and the 30th at Cracker Barrel (all residents are welcome and the time for this is always at 11AM)
Every Wednesday you are welcome to join other residents and swim at the Holiday Inn Express at 1:45PM. also on Wednesday the 24th at 10:30AM the planning committee will meet in the clubhouse and anyone wanting to go to the Village Inn at 11AM can feel free to join in on that activity.
Every Thursday at 6:30PM you can go to the clubhouse and play games, they rotate Bingo with other games and also on the 18th at 11AM you can join the residents and try MOXI, which is a new restaurant in Maize!!
Every Friday at 11:00AM a group gathers to swim at the Holiday Inn Express, and to play "Hand & Foot" at 1:30PM in the clubhouse.
September 20th at 5:00PM all the residents are invited to a Potluck Dinner at the Clubhouse.
There is always something fun happening, grab a neighbor and come join in!!
We announced a couple of times over the last few months the photography contest for residents of the Villas and our August winner was an easy choice!! Dale's Panera giftcard will be delivered to him soon, make sure you are sending in or dropping your photos by the office on 21st St if you want a chance at winning next!!
Dale's picture will be added soon, be sure and check back.
Enjoy the cooler weather!!